There is no real difference technology. In simple terms... Web 1.0 is the typical web page, heavy with graphics hard to navigate (sometimes), and just not very friendly for the user or bandwidth. Web 2.0 is displayed different and acts differently behind the scenes.
Web 2.0 is a much more "rich" end-user experience. Think of google and all the web tools they offer (gmail, google docs, etc). That's considered to be Web 2.0. Now go look at say, Yahoo. That's considered to be Web 1.0 (kinda). Web 2.0, in my mind, is much more simple on the end-user side. Pretty buttons, light colors, light on the graphics, easy to navigate, etc. Web 1.0 is, typically (again, in my mind) much more busy and colorful.
So, the technology is all the same. It's all comes down to how it's displayed and how it's handled on the back-end. As it was said above, Web 2.0 sites are much more database driven and dynamic, where as Web 1.0 sites appear very much more "static".
What is web 1.0 and 2.0 technology?
Web 1.0 is the web of 6 years ago. Mostly static HTML pages with limited user interactions.
Web 2.0 is the web of tomorrow with highly interactive and dynamic pages that typically communicate with a database in some way. Web 2.0 is also a scalable and portable media by utilizing web standards that increase a web site's accesibility, usability, and decrease page load times as well as lower bandwidth costs.
Reply:Web 1.0 is the version of web sites that use HTML. Web 2.0 describes web sites that have a rich user interface.
An example of a Web 2.0 site is or
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